Published On By Rachel Nall

Walking To Lose Belly Fat

Walking is a simple exercise option because it's simple, safe, and can help you lose pounds. You don't need fancy gear—just a pair of shoes.

Whether you like a relaxed walk around your block or a brisk hike in the park, walking could let you do your workout your way. This flexibility may help you stay consistent with exercising and boost your health over time.

However, how much walking do you really need to do to lose that stubborn stomach fat? I will explain the science behind walking and its fat-burning benefits and highlight some of the best ways to make walking work for you.

Recommended Duration & Intensity Of Walking Sessions

Typically, walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes covers 1.5-2 miles or approximately 3,000-4,500 steps. The CDC suggests adding at least 150 minutes of walking per week to support weight loss goals.

For beginners, starting with shorter walking periods and gradually increasing the duration as fitness levels progress is advisable.

This gradual approach may allow the body to adapt to the physical activity while reducing the risk of injury.

Advantages Of Walking

  1. Burn More Calories

    Walking briskly could burn between 100 and 300 calories, depending on attributes like your weight and how fast you're moving. To boost your calorie burn, try walking more often each week. Monitoring your heart rate could help you understand how intense your walk is and increase calorie expenditure. Another strategy is to add interval walking, in which you alternate between walking fast and slow, increasing the calorie burn. If you're feeling adventurous, walking uphill, using hiking poles, or wearing a weighted vest can further increase calorie expenditure.

  2. Enhance Energy Levels

    Here are three reasons why walking may enhance your energy levels:

    1. Increased Oxygen Flow: Walking increases your oxygen intake, which might help deliver more oxygen to your muscles and tissues. This might lead to increased energy levels and alertness throughout the day.
    2. Release of Energy-Boosting Hormones: Walking could trigger the release of hormones like norepinephrine, epinephrine, and cortisol, which are known to elevate energy levels naturally. These hormones may help combat fatigue, improve mood, and increase mental clarity.
    3. Enhanced Circulation: Walking could promote better blood circulation, ensuring that nutrients and oxygen are efficiently transported throughout your body. Getting up and moving may revitalize your body and mind, leading to sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  3. Reduce Joint Pain

    Walking may help safeguard joint health and alleviate discomfort associated with conditions like arthritis by lubricating and supporting the muscles surrounding the hips and knees.

    Here are some key points to consider when aiming to reduce joint pain through walking:

    • Low-Impact Exercise: Walking could be a low-impact exercise that puts less pressure on the joints compared to high-impact activities like running. This may make it an ideal choice for people looking to reduce joint pain while still engaging in physical activity.
    • Improves Joint Mobility: Regular walking might help improve joint mobility by promoting flexibility and range of motion in the hips and knees. Strengthening hips and knee muscles through walking may also reduce the risk of injuries.
  4. Burn Belly Fat

    Regularly participating in activities like walking might help burn belly fat.

    Walking Technique Description Benefits
    Brisk Walking Walking at a faster pace to increase calorie burn May burn calories and aid in weight loss
    Interval Training Alternating between high and low-intensity periods Might boost metabolism and burn more fat
    Including Resistance Adding weights or resistance bands during walks Might increase muscle strength and calorie burn
  5. Regulate Blood Sugar

    Taking short walks after meals may regulate blood sugar levels. A study highlighted the benefits of a 15-minute walk following breakfast, lunch, and dinner compared to a single 45-minute walk at any other time of the day.

    Making a habit of taking short walks after meals may help maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. Aim to walk for at least 15 minutes after each main meal for improved glucose control.

    Walking after meals, especially high-carb meals, might help the body utilize glucose more efficiently, preventing sharp spikes in blood sugar. Try to schedule your walks shortly after finishing your meals.

  6. Improve Lean Muscles

    Walking could reduce age-related muscle loss and maintain strength by preserving specific muscles while shedding pounds.

    Walking could preserve lean muscle and enhance muscle tone and definition. It may benefit various muscle groups, including the calves, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles.

    When you lose weight, you might risk losing muscle mass, which may impact your metabolic rate. Including regular walking into your routine may mitigate muscle loss and maintain muscle strength.

  7. Improve Mood

    Brisk walking may have numerous benefits for mental health, including reducing anxiety, low mood, and symptoms of depression.

    It might release endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, which may help alleviate stress and enhance overall mood.

    The table below provides a summary of the positive impacts:

    Benefits of Brisk Walking for Mood and Mental Well-Being
    Reduces anxiety
    Improves low mood and symptoms of depression
    Boosts self-esteem

Things To Consider While Walking

  1. Workout In Intervals

    Intervals involve alternating between higher and lower-intensity exercises, which may lead to boosted calorie burn and improved fitness levels.

    Here are some key points to consider when including intervals into your walking routine:

    1. High-Intensity Intervals: Adding short bursts of high-intensity exercise, such as speed walking or jogging, followed by periods of lower intensity or rest may elevate your heart rate and burn more calories.
    2. Interval Duration: The duration of your intervals may vary based on your personal fitness level and goals. For example, you could alternate between 30-60 seconds of brisk walking or jogging and 60 seconds of walking at a moderate pace. Experiment with different interval lengths to find what works best for you and challenges your body.
  2. Walking Uphill

    Walking uphill may increase calorie burn by engaging more muscles and elevating the heart rate. Whether you choose outdoor routes with natural inclines or adjust the treadmill gradient, adding inclination to your walking routine may provide a challenging workout that shows more significant results.

    The incline adds resistance, making your body work harder and often burn more calories when compared to walking on a flat surface.

    Walking on a gradient may also elevate your metabolism post-exercise, leading to continued calorie expenditure even after you've finished your walk.

    Remember to sustain proper form and posture while tackling inclines to prevent strain and maximize the benefits of hill walking.

  3. Track Your Heart Rate

    Tracking your heart rate allows you to estimate the effectiveness of your walking routine. Maintaining a slightly elevated heart rate may ensure that you are working out at an intensity that promotes calorie burn and weight loss.

    Start by monitoring your heart rate during a few workouts to establish your average baseline. Once you have this baseline, aim to elevate your heart rate by 5-10 beats per minute above this average to increase calorie burn during each walking session.

  4. Consider Nordic Walking

    Walking poles may involve your arms, shoulders, and back muscles, providing a full-body workout as you walk. This engagement may increase calorie burn by involving more muscle groups.

    Walking poles could help improve your walking speed, allowing you to cover more distance in the same amount of time. This increased pace may lead to a higher calorie burn and improved cardiovascular benefits.


Best Ways To Start Walking More

  1. Use Fitness Trackers

    Fitness trackers may serve as a source of motivation by tracking your steps and distance walked. Seeing your progress may inspire you to meet or exceed your daily activity goals.

    Using fitness trackers, such as speed, heart, or activity monitors, may help you stay accountable for your physical activity.

    Setting a daily step goal of 6,000-10,000 steps may be an effective way to increase physical activity.

  2. Develop A Walking Schedule

    When creating your weekly walking plan, consider including variations to keep your workouts exciting and compelling.

    Start by setting specific days and times for your walks to establish a routine that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. This consistency may help you stay committed and make progress toward your fitness goals.

  3. Select The Right Time

    Some people find early morning walks beneficial for kickstarting their day and avoiding interruptions. In contrast, others prefer afternoon or evening walks to unwind or de-stress after work.

    The key is to select a time that complements your lifestyle and helps you to maintain a regular walking routine without feeling pressured or rushed.

    Consistency in the timing of your walks is essential for building a sustainable habit. Whether you opt for a brisk walk in the morning, during a lunch break, or in the evening, the most important factor is to make it a part of your daily routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Walking Help Improve Digestion and Aid in Weight Loss?
    Walking may improve digestion. It could stimulate the stomach and intestines, which may help move food through the digestive system, enhancing nutrient absorption and reducing bloating.
  2. What if someone can't walk for 30 minutes at a time?
    You may try breaking your walking session into small periods of 10 minutes.
  3. Are There Specific Foods or Supplements That Could Complement a Walking Routine to Target Belly Fat?
    Include foods rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and fish. You may also consider green tea extract or conjugated linoleic acid.
  4. How Does Stress Management and Sleep Quality Play a Role in Losing Belly Fat Through Walking?
    Stress management and quality sleep are integral for losing belly fat through walking. Stress hormones may hinder weight loss, while adequate rest promotes fat burning. Combining walking with adequate rest may optimize health benefits and weight management.


Walking can be an effective tool for reducing belly fat when done consistently and strategically. Adding it to your routine may help you experience a consistent and natural energy boost.

Mixing up your routes and walking speeds by adding different terrains, such as hills or inclines, could challenge your muscles and boost calorie burn.

The health benefits of walking extend beyond weight loss, including improved blood sugar regulation and mood enhancement.

Remember, the best time to walk is when it fits seamlessly into your day and becomes a natural part of your routine.

With the right approach, walking can play a significant role in achieving fitness goals and trimming the waistline.

  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this article.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before trying any tips or strategies.

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