Published On By Rachel Nall

Teas That Curb Appetite

People may find it challenging to maintain a calorie deficit to achieve their desired goals during a weight loss journey.

In this struggle for weight management, suppressing appetite and cravings can be a serious setback, derailing all of the weight loss plans.

Tea is a soothing and enjoyable beverage option with various health benefits, including potential appetite suppression. Are there any specific teas that could fight your hunger and cravings?

Understanding the mechanism behind these teas as appetite suppressants and their health benefits may help prevent you from consuming excess calories and support weight loss.

Best Appetite Suppression Teas

  1. Green Tea

    Green tea has appetite-suppressing properties, which may reduce food intake and assist in weight loss. Animal studies show that green tea consumption might decrease food intake, suggesting its ability to suppress appetite.

    Green tea contains cacheins and caffeine, which might help suppress fat accumulation in the body, potentially preventing excess weight gain.

  2. Oolong Tea

    Oolong tea may help reduce weight and fat mass in people consuming a high-fat diet. The polyphenols in oolong tea have anti-inflammatory properties that could assist in weight loss efforts. Oolong tea may help control weight by mitigating the effects of overeating.

    Combining a cup of oolong tea into your routine could potentially satisfy cravings and support your weight management goals.

    Here are some benefits of Oolong tea:

    Benefits Details
    Weight Loss Reduces weight gain and fat mass.
    Anti-inflammatory Effects Contains polyphenols with anti-inflammatory properties.
    Appetite Control May help offset effects of overeating.
    Flavorful Satisfaction Provides a sweet flavor that can satisfy cravings.
  3. White Tea

    White tea contains compounds like catechins and caffeine that may support weight management efforts. The catechins in white tea can boost metabolism, enabling faster calorie burning.

    White tea's catechins and caffeine could stimulate the body's fat-burning processes, potentially assisting in weight loss. Its appetite-reducing effects might help people control their food intake and manage cravings more effectively.

  4. Peppermint Tea

    Peppermint tea may offer a calorie-free and flavorful option to manage appetite. It could reduce cravings for high-calorie foods, which might significantly help appetite control.

    The aroma and compounds in peppermint may help signal to the brain that you are satisfied, potentially curbing the urge to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

    Peppermint tea might act as an appetite suppressant and help feel fuller for longer, helping manage overall food intake.

    Peppermint could alleviate digestive problems by reducing colon spasms. Its soothing effect on the digestive system can help ease discomfort and promote overall gut health, potentially supporting weight loss.

  5. Yerba Mate Tea

    Yerba Mate Tea is rich in various chemical compounds that have the potential to be an appetite suppressant. It could lead to increased feelings of fullness.

    The study indicates that people who consumed yerba mate experienced a greater feeling of being full, especially when paired with 30 minutes of fat-burning cycling exercise.

    Yerba mate contains compounds such as saponins, polyphenols, and xanthines, including caffeine, which could contribute to its appetite-suppressing effects. These compounds may interact with the body to promote satiety and reduce calorie intake, ultimately supporting weight loss goals.

  6. Hoodia Tea

    Hoodia Tea, derived from the Hoodia Gordonii plant, might alleviate hunger and thirst. It could reduce energy intake and help in weight loss. Hoodie tea contains active compounds that may impact appetite regulation and satiety.

    However, caution is advised when considering the consumption of Hoodia tea due to potential side effects on blood pressure, heart health, and liver function.

  7. Hibiscus Tea

    Research has shown that hibiscus tea could help suppress appetite by reducing ghrelin levels, known as the “hunger hormone.”

    Studies suggest that consistent consumption of hibiscus tea could decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Including hibiscus tea in your daily routine may help manage appetite and improve cardiovascular health.

  8. Ginger Tea

    Research shows that ginger slightly reduces appetite, although the effects may be subtle. It might curb hunger and support weight management efforts by promoting portion control.

    Ginger tea could help in burning more calories. One study revealed that people who consumed ginger tea experienced increased diet-induced thermogenesis, burning extra calories daily. It indicates that ginger tea may have a thermogenic effect, potentially boosting metabolism. However, additional research is needed to confirm these results.

    Ginger tea could assist people in their weight loss journey by enhancing calorie expenditure. It may increase the number of calories burned during the digestion process. The metabolic boost might benefit people aiming to shed surplus weight and improve their overall health.

  9. Black Tea

    Black tea contains polyphenols, which can show pronounced effects on weight loss. It could support your weight loss plans by positively impacting your metabolism and appetite.

    These polyphenols might enhance metabolism, potentially assisting in calorie burning and weight management.

    Black tea might reduce appetite, helping you control your food intake and make healthier choices throughout the day.

    Black tea may promote lipolysis, the breakdown of fats in the body, which can contribute to weight loss efforts and overall fat reduction.

  10. Fenugreek Tea

    Fenugreek is slightly bitter in flavor and has appetite-suppressant properties, which may help you control your unhealthy cravings.

    Research has shown that consuming Fenugreek tea can reduce subjective short-term appetite and increase sensations of fullness. However, it does not directly lead to decreased food intake but promotes feelings of satisfaction, which might help regulate appetite.

    To further understand the benefits of Fenugreek Tea, let's explore a comparison in the table below:

    Aspect Fenugreek Tea
    Taste Slightly bitter with hints of maple syrup
    Appetite Regulation Reduces subjective short-term appetite
    Feeling of Fullness Increases sensations of fullness

How Does Drinking Tea Work To Curb Appetite?

Teas have low-calorie content, which might help manage weight while promoting appetite control. Your overall caloric intake could be naturally reduced, potentially assisting in weight loss by substituting sugar and high-calorie beverages with tea.

Some studies on the phytochemicals in tea suggest that evidence regarding their appetite-suppressing effects is inconclusive.

However, comprehensive clinical trials are needed to understand tea's potential benefits in managing appetite.


Benefits Of Natural Appetite Suppressants

Natural appetite suppressants help in weight management by assisting people in regulating their calorie intake and promoting healthier eating habits. They may work by decreasing your appetite and increasing your satiety feeling.

Natural appetite suppressants contain nutrients and compounds like fiber, which might delay stomach emptying and regulate hunger hormones.

  • Nutrient-Rich Content: Natural appetite suppressants may contain vital nutrients such as vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, which support overall health and weight management.
  • Metabolism Boost: Natural suppressants could help the body burn calories more efficiently, assisting in weight loss. They may promote a healthier metabolic rate by increasing metabolism.

Appetite suppressants are usually safe for consumption. However, some appetite suppressants might interact with certain medications. Talk to your doctor once before adding any natural appetite suppressant to your routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Pregnant Women Safely Consume Appetite Suppressant Teas?
    Appetite-suppressant teas are contraindicated during pregnancy. You can consult a healthcare provider for safe alternatives. Prioritize a balanced diet and prenatal care for optimal health during pregnancy.
  2. Are There Any Potential Interactions Between Appetite Suppressant Teas and Medications?
    Some teas, like green tea and ginger tea, may affect drug metabolism or absorption, impacting medication efficacy. Consult healthcare providers to ensure safe coadministration and avoid undesirable outcomes.
  3. Can Children Safely Consume Teas That Curb Appetite?
    Children should stay cautious when trying teas that curb appetite. It might cause potential drug interactions, developmental considerations, and caffeine sensitivity. Avoid giving tea to an infant or a kid. Be sure to cross-verify the presence of caffeine or other stimulant.
  4. Are There Specific Teas That Are More Effective for Curbing Late-Night Cravings?
    Certain teas like chamomile, peppermint, and dandelion could curb late-night cravings. Chamomile may promote relaxation, peppermint reduces food cravings, and dandelion may help with digestion. Combining these teas into your evening routine might support healthier eating habits.
  5. How Long Should One Wait After Drinking Tea Before Eating to Maximize Appetite Suppression Effects?
    Waiting approximately 30 minutes before eating is advisable to maximize appetite suppression effects post-tea consumption. It may allow the bioactive compounds in tea, like catechins and polyphenols, to exert their influence on satiety hormones, assisting in portion control and weight management.


Suppressing your appetite may help control unhealthy cravings for sugary and processed foods. It may assist in fat burning by reducing your calorie intake.

You can combine certain teas such as green, black, and fenugreek in your routine to control hunger pangs. However, suppressing appetite might not be a suitable approach for weight loss.

Suppressing appetite might cause nutrient deficiency, causing weakness, and other potential health concerns. You should aim to eat a diet rich in protein and fiber, which may promote fullness without undermining your nutritional needs.

Focus on adequate calorie burning through regular exercise like walking or cardio instead of restricting your meal portions.

Remember that healthy weight reduction requires a controlled diet, enhanced activity level, and a sustainable lifestyle.

  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this article.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before trying any tips.

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