Published On By Rachel Nall

How To Stop Anxiety Sweating

Sweating is a natural reaction to rising body temperature. It cools the body during physical exertion or hot weather.

However, sweating could also occur in response to fear or stress. Excessive sweating commonly manifests as a physical symptom of anxiety.

Anxiety-induced sweating could be experienced all over the body, with heightened perspiration often noticed on the palms, soles of the feet, face, and armpits.

Anxiety sweating could be uncomfortable for many people, impacting their confidence and quality of life.

Learning some coping strategies and relaxation techniques may help you address anxiety sweating and also understand how anxiety influences sweating patterns.

Connection Between Anxiety And Sweating

When anxiety strikes, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is triggered, plunging the body into fight-or-flight mode. This response floods the bloodstream with stress hormones like cortisol, initiating various physical reactions.

As a result, the heart rate increases, blood flow intensifies, and body temperature rises, prompting the onset of sweating.

For some people, this sweating response may escalate to a condition called hyperhidrosis, affecting approximately 1% to 3% of people in the United States.

Anxiety-induced sweat could develop a fear of judgment or social rejection in some people. This cycle of anxiety and sweating could reinforce each other, worsening overall feelings of distress and unease.

Best Strategies To Reduce Anxiety Sweating

  1. Try Stress-relaxation Techniques

    Relaxation exercises may help ease emotional distress and relieve physical symptoms like sweating.

    Some relaxation techniques that may help reduce stress include:

    • Yoga: It may reduce stress and promote relaxation
    • Meditation: It may help in depression and anxiety management. It may also benefit in less emotional reactivity
    • Progressive muscle relaxation: It involves relaxing and tensing different muscle groups to release tension
    • Guided Imagery And Visualization: These techniques could focus on creating calming mental images to promote relaxation.
  2. Deep Breathing

    Deep breathing exercises are a fundamental technique in stress management. It may engage the parasympathetic nervous system, signaling safety to the body and helping reduce anxiety-induced sweating.

    The parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the rest-and-digest state, counteracts the fight-or-flight response triggered by anxiety.

    Focusing on your breath sends a message to the body that the threat has passed, which may help slow down the physiological responses associated with anxiety.

    When experiencing anxiety, the body goes into overdrive. Slowing down your breathing may effectively shift your body back to calmness.

  3. Lifestyle Changes

    A balanced diet includes consuming magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, which may help regulate stress hormones. Excessive stress hormones could negatively impact anxiety and sweating.

    Avoiding stimulants like caffeine and hydrating options like herbal teas or water may also contribute to a calmer physiological state.

    Regular exercise may also help in stress reduction and improve cognitive health. It could prompt the release of endorphins, which are known to elevate mood and alleviate anxiety.

    A brisk walk, yoga session, or dance class could be instrumental in managing anxiety-induced sweating.

    Establishing boundaries in work life, relationships, and personal time may also help maintain emotional well-being. Learning to say no when feeling overwhelmed, prioritizing self-care activities, and seeking support from a therapist may also reduce anxiety levels and sweating patterns.

  4. Stay Cool

    Maintaining a cool environment or temperature could be beneficial in managing anxiety-induced sweating and minimizing the impact of physiological responses during stressful situations.

    Dressing in easily removable layers or loose-fitted and breathable fabrics may help you adjust your clothing as your body temperature changes, helping prevent overheating and excessive sweating.

    Having fresh air access in your room may help regulate your body temperature and could create a more comfortable environment to reduce anxiety-induced sweating.

    Staying hydrated throughout the day could help regulate body temperature and reduce excessive sweating, as dehydration may worsen sweating in some people.

    Keeping a cold drink nearby also helps to cool your body internally and provides a distraction and a soothing mechanism during stressful situations.

  5. Practice Self-talk

    Acknowledging and accepting your feelings without judgment could be a powerful way to validate your emotional experiences. Reassuring yourself that it is okay to feel anxious or stressed creates a safe space for self-compassion and understanding.

    Affirming that physiological responses like sweating are natural during heightened stress could help reduce feelings of embarrassment or shame.

    Positive self-talk emphasizing your strength and ability to overcome challenges could build your resilience, helping in stressful and anxiety-inducing situations.

  6. Refocus Your Attention

    Shifting your focus away from excessive sweating could be a beneficial strategy in managing anxiety-induced sweating.

    Refocusing your attention might promote a sense of control over physiological responses during moments of heightened stress.

    Instead of fixating on the physical manifestation of anxiety, it is advisable to redirect attention towards coping with the sweat and the underlying anxious emotions.

What Factors Cause Anxiety Sweating?

When the body senses danger, the sympathetic nervous system initiates the fight-flight-freeze response, increasing sweat production to help cool the body during exertion.

This response is important for survival in threatening situations but may become excessive in people experiencing chronic anxiety disorders.

Let's explore the factors contributing to anxiety-induced sweating through this table:

Factors Description Impact
Activation of Sympathetic Nervous System Triggers fight-flight-freeze response, leading to sweat production. It increases heart rate and prepares the body for action.
Constant Alertness Anxiety disorders keep the body and brain on high alert, leading to persistent sweating. Heightens stress levels and physical symptoms.
Anxiety Disorders Conditions like generalized anxiety disorder and specific phobias are linked to increased sweating. It can result in avoidance behaviors and social anxiety.
Social Anxiety Social situations can trigger hyperhidrosis in up to 32% of people. Impacts quality of life and social interactions.
Treatment Options Antiperspirants, iontophoresis, anticholinergics, and botulinum toxin injections can help manage anxiety and sweating. Provide relief and improve daily functioning.

How To Stop Anxiety Sweating?

Deodorants and antiperspirants: Antiperspirants with aluminum salts could effectively manage excessive sweating by blocking sweat glands. Higher concentrations of aluminum chloride, ranging from 10 to 20 percent, could be necessary for more severe cases.

Iontophoresis: It involves using Iontophoresis or the introduction of ions or weak electrical currents to hands, feet, or underarms submerged in water, temporarily reducing sweat production.

Medication: Oral oxybutynin, topical glycopyrrolate, and Botox injections may help prevent excessive sweating by interfering with sweat gland activation. These treatments may provide long-lasting relief and are typically administered under medical supervision.

Also See:

Why Does Anxiety Sweat Smell Different?

The distinct odor of sweat excreted during nervousness is attributed to the activation of apocrine glands, which release thicker sweat containing higher protein and lipids.

Apocrine glands are bigger than eccrine glands and are primarily found in areas with more hair follicles, like the armpits.

The sweat these glands produce, combined with the skin bacteria, creates a unique smell associated with anxiety-induced sweating.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can Consuming Sugar Worsen Anxiety Symptoms?
    Consuming sugar may exacerbate anxiety symptoms due to its potential to spike blood sugar levels, leading to fluctuations in mood and energy.
  • Are There Specific Types of Sugar That May Be More Likely to Trigger Anxiety?
    Certain sugars with high glycemic indexes, like refined sugars found in processed foods and drinks, may lead to rapid blood sugar spikes, potentially worsening anxiety symptoms.
  • How Do I Stop Sweating When My Anxiety Is Triggered?
    Disposable underarm clothing shields may help absorb excess sweat during an anxiety breakout. Strong deodorants and antiperspirants may help mask the smell of anxiety induced sweating.
  • What Role Do Blood Sugar Levels Play in Exacerbating Anxiety and Sweating?
    Elevated blood sugar levels could exacerbate anxiety and sweating by affecting neurotransmitter balance and hormonal responses. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels may trigger physiological stress reactions, potentially intensifying anxiety symptoms and increasing sweating episodes.


Anxiety-induced sweating is a frequent problem that many people face. If you experience such sweating, you could try making some lifestyle changes to help relieve it. This may include wearing comfortable clothing and staying in a cool environment to prevent it.

Avoid being too much nervous about a situation, as that may also help address excess sweating. You should try to talk yourself out of the situation. If you are nervous most of the time, it would help if you work on managing your anxiety symptoms.

However, if the sweating is caused by anxiety, you may find it helpful to implement stress-reducing techniques, like deep breathing and practicing self-talk.

If the symptoms persist, it's advisable to seek additional advice from your therapist.

  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this article.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before trying any tips or strategies.

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