Published On By Rachel Nall

VigRX Fertility Factor 5 Reviews results

Fertility Factor 5 is a male infertility support manufactured by VigRX that claims to enhance sperm count, motility, and morphology for individuals seeking to conceive.

It belongs to Leading Edge Health's product line, which has garnered substantial popularity, endorsements, and a positive consumer reputation. It claims to enhance sperm count, movement, and shape effectively and regulate male infertility concerns comprehensively.

This exclusive VigRX Fertility Factor 5 review discusses the ingredient formulation, benefits, and working process in detail. It also highlights potential drawbacks to help you understand better and gain information before trying VigRX Fertility Factor 5.

What is Fertility Factor 5?

Manufactured and distributed by Leading Edge Health, Fertility Factor 5 is a male health support.

It contains a patented LJ100 ingredient from MIT that could be clinically proven to improve sperm count, movement, and shape.

The formula of Fertility Factor 5 consists of Tongkat Ali LJ100, Panax Ginseng, Zinc, Selenium, and BioPerine, backed by clinical studies.

Tongkat Ali LJ100 has significantly improved semen parameters related to intrauterine conception and in-vitro fertilization.

According to the official website, the VigRX Fertility Factor 5 is a semen enhancer that claims to enhance sexual performance and fertility indicators such as sperm count and movement.

How Does Fertility Factor 5 Work?

According to the official website, Fertility Factor 5, in improving male fertility indicators such as sperm count, movement, and shape.

VigRX Fertility Factor 5’s working is believed to be attributed to the potent interaction between its five all-natural ingredients. The makers mention extensive research and clinical studies have been conducted to ensure the safety and effectiveness of this formulation.

As per the compound formulation, Fertility Factor 5 has Tongkat Ali LJ100. This ingredient has improved sperm count, movement, shape, semen volume, sexual function, and libido.

Another element, Panax Ginseng, has also demonstrated promising results in improving sexual performance, erections, libido, sperm count, and movement.

VigRx formulation may play a vital role in healthy sperm development and mobility and may work to improve male fertility.

Selenium is also included in the formulation of Fertility Factor 5 due to its significant improvements in sperm count, motility viability morphology, and semen volume.

Fertility Factor 5 Ingredients

  • Tongkat Ali LJ100

    Tongkat Ali LJ100 has been extensively researched and clinically proven to improve multiple sperm parameters, including count, movement, shape, semen volume, sexual function, and libido. It could help enhance libido and may also improve fertility in men. It may support the release of free testosterone levels and improve sex drive.

  • Panax Ginseng

    Panax Ginseng, a herb grown in Asia, may help improve libido and sperm health. One clinical study found ginseng could also enhance sexual performance, erections, libido, sperm count, and movement. A study found that Panax ginseng is promising in improving semen parameters such as sperm count, motility, viability, morphology, and semen volume.

  • Zinc

    Zinc is required to produce testosterone, which may play a vital role in sperm production and maturation. It acts as an antioxidant, protecting the DNA within the sperm cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Zinc maintains the structural integrity of the sperm cell membrane, allowing it to maintain its shape and function properly. Additionally, zinc is necessary for proper sperm motility, enabling the sperm to swim effectively towards the egg during fertilization. A study by Wong et al. (2002) found that zinc significantly increased total sperm count and progressive motility. Another study by Colagar et al. (2010) showed that zinc improved semen volume, concentration, and motility in infertile men with low levels of this essential element.

  • Selenium

    Selenium may help improve sperm count, motility, viability, morphology, and semen volume. Research has indicated that up to 40% of men with fertility issues also have low selenium levels. Selenium is an essential trace mineral cofactor for various enzymes involved in antioxidant defense mechanisms and regulating thyroid hormone metabolism. It is found abundantly in the testes and seminal fluid, indicating its significance in male reproductive health. Studies have demonstrated that selenium supplementation can improve several vital parameters related to sperm quality.

    The following table highlights the effects of selenium on sperm parameters:

    Sperm Parameter Effect of Selenium
    Sperm Count Increases sperm count
    Motility Enhances sperm motility
    Viability Improves sperm viability
    Morphology Enhances normal sperm morphology
    Semen Volume Increases semen volume

  • BioPerine

    BioPerine compound may improve the bioavailability of nutrients, enhancing their effectiveness in male fertility supplements. This ingredient is crucial in optimizing the absorption and utilization of other active ingredients, particularly selenium. By improving nutrient bioavailability, BioPerine may help efficiently support nutrient absorption by the body. This is especially important for male fertility as adequate nutrient levels support healthy sperm production and function.

Fertility Factor 5 Benefits

  1. Improve Male Fertility

    VigRX Fertility Factor 5 may help with male fertility through its potent formulation, increasing the chances of conception. Follow the dosage with adequate sleep, exercise, and an active lifestyle to enhance sperm quality further and support male fertility.

  2. May Improve Sperm Count

    VigRX Fertility Factor 5 may also help improve semen parameters such as count, movement, shape, and volume. It also enhances sexual function and libido. This could also improve sexual performance, erections, libido, sperm count, and movement. A healthy sperm count could help increase the chances of getting pregnant because more sperm are available to fertilize the egg.

  3. Increase Semen Volume

    A regular dosage of VigRX Fertility Factor 5 may help support semen volume. You should also drink enough water with your FF5 consumption to stay hydrated, which could positively affect the semen volume.

Side-Effects Of Fertility Factor 5

The potential side effects of VigRX Fertility Factor 5 are not well reported.VigRX Fertility Factor 5 is made with natural compounds, so serious side effects are usually infrequent.

Some potential side effects of VigRX Fertility 5 Factor may include upset stomach, diarrhea, digestive issues such as nausea, and skin reactions such as itching, redness, and rash.

Some users may have some underlying allergies from the ingredients in its formula and should discontinue using it and seek medical help if they experience some concerning symptoms upon VIGRX consumption.

Users may also experience slight changes in their heartbeat, which could be concerning and raise problems without attention. Monitor your issues and talk to the doctor if any problem arises.

However, VigRX Fertility Factor 5 makers claim it to be safe for consumption, but it is safer to talk to your doctor once before you decide on adding it to your routine.

Fertility Factor 5 Consumption Results

Understanding the effectiveness of VgRX Fertility Factor 5 is crucial for individuals seeking to address male infertility concerns.

Numerous customer reviews have reported positive feedback regarding improvements in sperm parameters after using Fertility Factor 5.

Some users have reported experiencing an increase in their chances of conceiving within a few months of using Fertility Factor 5. Along with FF5 dosage, they also followed a proper diet. They increased their physical activity while focusing on leading a healthier and more active life, which also helped them improve their sexual well-being.

It is important to note that this information is based on customer testimonials. When using any product, please consult your doctor before including it in your routine for safety assurance.

Fertility Factor 5 Dosage

Based on the provided information, the dosage for Fertility Factor 5 is one capsule per day. The makers of VigRX have suggested following the dosage for a minimum of three months to experience optimal results.

Is VigRX Fertility Factor 5 Scam Or Legit?

The makers mention that VigRX Fertility Factor 5 has a completely natural formulation with no known harmful effects.

VigRXFertility Factor 5 is developed by Leading Edge Health, a reputable company known for its high-quality health and wellness products. It comes with a risk-free trial period of 67 days, allowing users to try it without any financial risk. This refund process could indicate that the company believes in its effectiveness and claimed effects. The official website also mentions that VigRX FF5 also contains LJ100 or Eurycoma Longifolia(Tongat Ali), a patented extract from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which adds credibility to its formulation.

Where To Buy Fertility Factor 5?

The Fertility Factor 5 website is available exclusively on the official website, which ensures its authenticity and quality. Buying directly from the official website guarantees you receive genuine Fertility Factor 5. Counterfeit products can be ineffective or even harmful.

Fertility Factor 5 Refund Policy

The official website mentions that VigRX Fertility Factor 5 has a 67-day refund policy. If, under any circumstances, you are dissatisfied with their product, or it has not been effective for you, the makers state you can request a 100% refund for the purchase price.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are There Any Reported Side Effects of Fertility Factor 5?
    No side effects from using VigRX Fertility Factor 5 have been reported, as its makers claim it to be a natural formula. Ingredient allergies may occur, like rashes, itches, and dry mouth. Check for underlying allergies before trying the product.
  2. Can Fertility Factor 5 Be Used To Treat Medical Conditions like low sperm count?
    Fertility Factor 5 is a clinically proven formula that may promote healthy sperm count and can be used to support male fertility problems. However, it is unclear whether it can treat conditions like low sperm count or male infertility.
  3. Is VigRX Fertility Factor 5 Suitable for Long-Term Use?
    The VigRX Fertility Factor 5 makers suggest it can be taken for at least 2-3 months. They are yet to mention if the exact dosage could be continued after three months for long-term use. However, the effects may vary from person to person.


VigRX Fertility Factor 5 may help address fertility issues and could be a suitable option for improving male fertility factors like poor motility, poor sperm shape, and low sperm count. It can also work to provide other health benefits like an improved libido and sexual function. Thus, if low sperm count and motility create conceiving problems, VigRX Fertility Factor 5 promises that a regular dosage, diet, and exercise could help regulate these parameters.

  • The information in this VigRX Fertility Factor 5 review is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this review.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before using VigRX Fertility Factor 5.

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