Published On By Rachel Nall

Belly Fat In WomenYou may have some fat buildup in your midsection. Many women struggle with bloated bellies, which could be due to the kind of lifestyle they live.

Women tend to store excessive fat around their belly region than men due to differences in muscle composition and metabolism.

Factors like hormonal changes, excessive stress, or bad eating choices may also lead to excess belly fat in women.

Pregnancy and lack of physical movement may also cause excess lower stomach fat. It might slow your metabolism, which makes burning calories and losing fat difficult.

Getting rid of this lower stomach fat may promote healthier liver and pancreatic functioning. It may also improve your energy levels and give you a toned appearance.

Thus, it is essential to learn about what causes lower stomach fat and how to get rid of it to live a healthier life.

Types Of Fat

Body fat is present due to larger fat cells. It may grow in size and number when you eat excess calories, causing it to develop in different body areas. It increases your weight and may cause metabolic issues like high blood pressure, blood sugar, and an extended waistline. Body fat is classified into two types:

  • Subcutaneous Fat
  • Visceral Fat
  • Subcutaneous fat: The fatty tissue under your skin is called subcutaneous fat or SAT. It is easily visible and may accumulate around the thighs, hips, and waist. It may affect the body’s shape and tone but is generally less concerning than visceral fat.
  • Visceral fat: It is not visible externally but carries concerning health risks. Visceral fat accumulates in the abdomen (between the organs). It could lead to a slowed metabolism, glucose intolerance, and increased lipid levels. It may also be associated with an increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Best Ways To Lose Belly Fat

  1. Increase Physical Activity

    Exercise or physical activity may help burn abdominal fat by reducing circulating levels of insulin and causing the liver to metabolize visceral fat deposits.

    According to the CDC, increasing your moderate-intensity aerobic intensity by brook walking for around 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week may help reduce overall weight, including lower stomach fat.

    Strength training with aerobic exercises could also help build lean muscle mass. Such effects may increase calorie burning throughout the day, supporting long-term weight management.

    Physical activities like jogging, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or participating in sports could help reduce weight, potentially decreasing belly fat.

  2. Proper Fluid Intake

    Studies have shown that drinking water may temporarily boost your metabolism by 24-30% for up to 1.5 hours. It could help your body burn more calories, potentially supporting belly fat reduction.

    Sometimes, you may perceive hunger as thirst. Drinking 9 to 10 glasses of water daily could help suppress appetite and prevent overeating. Such effects may also aid your fat loss efforts.

    Drinking enough water may also optimize the body’s fat-burning capabilities by helping the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the body.

  3. Enough Sleep

    Lack of sleep could disrupt cortisol levels responsible for regulating metabolism and hunger. It might lead to weight gain and belly fat accumulation.

    Research suggests that 7-8 hours of restorative sleep could help regulate cortisol balance, potentially reducing belly fat.

    Inadequate sleep causes appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin and leptin to fluctuate. This imbalance could lead to overeating and cravings for high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Such effects may induce weight gain and excess belly fat accumulation.

    Insufficient sleep could also negatively impact insulin sensitivity, making it difficult to regulate blood sugar levels. Such a mechanism leads to excessive glucose storage as fat, manifesting as belly fat.

  4. Weight Lifting

    Weight lifting may be effective for building lean muscle mass, which could enhance resting metabolic rate, potentially supporting overall fat loss.

    Moderate strength training alongside aerobic exercise might help you burn calories, improve muscle mass, and prevent fat storage around the belly.

    In your weight training program, you may include compound lifts such as deadlifts, bench presses, and squats, which could engage multiple muscle groups and aid in fat loss.

  5. Moderate Carb Intake

    According to a study, a low-carbohydrate diet may help you lose more weight and fat than a low-fat diet. Low-carb diets may shift your calorie consumption away from foods high in carbs and sugar and low in fiber.

    Some examples of food that could be eaten on a low-carb diet include fish, nuts, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and shrimp.

  6. Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

    Sugar beverages contain fructose, which might increase your calorie intake and potentially cause excess belly fat gain. According to a study by Razieh Anari and Reza Amani, people with diabetes consuming one serving of sugary beverages weekly may experience increased belly fat than those who kept their sugar consumption less than one sugar drink serving weekly.

    Reducing liquid sugar, like soda, punch, sweet tea, etc, might help you reduce lower stomach fat. It could avoid storing too many calories as fat. It may support your weight loss efforts in reducing lower belly fat.

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Types Of Belly Fat Deposition In Women

  1. Tiered Belly Fat

    Tiered belly fat is characterized by two layers of fat around the abdomen, with a bulging upper abdomen that dips near the belly button and then bulges out again.

    This type of belly fat is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits, particularly the consumption of alcohol and smoking.

    Reducing unhealthy snacks from your diet, refraining from smoking and alcohol, and engaging in moderate-intensity exercises may also help minimize tiered belly fat.

  2. Bloated Belly Fat

    A distended stomach with increased overall girth and a feeling of fullness characterizes bloating. Digestive disorders and specific food triggers may cause a bloated belly.

    A balanced diet to reduce bloating may include ginger, peppermint, chamomile, and fennel. These herbs may help soothe the digestive system and reduce bloating.

    You may also eliminate specific triggers that cause bloating. These could include avoiding dairy or gluten, which may contribute to digestive discomfort.

  3. Mommy’s Belly Fat

    After pregnancy, women often experience a mommy’s belly, where the accumulated fat from childbirth hangs loosely below the waistline due to stretched muscles.

    The muscles in the abdomen could become stretched during pregnancy, leading to a loose and saggy appearance in the belly area.

    Starting regular belly workouts (like lying leg raises and boat poses) a month after delivery may help you address mommy’s belly fat. Breastfeeding could also be beneficial as the body could naturally burn extra fat to support the baby’s energy needs.

  4. Stressed-out Belly Fat

    The upper belly, located just below the ribs, can expand and bulge out, causing discomfort and breathlessness after a tiring day.

    Experiencing excessive fatigue may slow down your metabolism, resulting in fat deposition on your upper abdomen. This type of belly fat is known as stressed-out belly fat. It could also result from not getting enough sleep at night.

    Try improving sleep habits, practicing low-impact yoga stretches, and eating some hours before bedtime to help reduce stressed-out belly fat.

  5. Hormonal Belly Fat

    Hormonal imbalance in progesterone and estrogen levels might disrupt the endocrine system’s normal functioning. Due to this, some women may encounter increased fat storage in the lower abdominal area.

    You may consult a gynecologist or healthcare professional to identify and treat any underlying hormonal issues, such as PCOS.

    Eating a diet rich in lean proteins (fish, chicken) and cruciferous green vegetables may help support hormonal balance and reduce belly fat.

Causes Of Fat Deposition

Calorie imbalance: Excess fat deposition occurs when the body cannot efficiently process sugars into energy. It may lead to fat accumulation in different body areas.

Natural aging process: The fat deposition could result from factors such as the natural aging process, hormonal changes, excess intake of sugar and trans fat, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Lower body fat deposits may indicate dysregulation due to impaired fatty acid metabolism. Other environmental factors that may play a major role in fat deposition may include:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Timing of onset of childhood obesity
  • Genetic factors

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are the Different Exercises That Can Specifically Target Lower Stomach Fat in Females?
    Abdominal exercises like planks, leg raises, bicycle crunches, and mountain climbers may target lower abdominal muscles in females. These exercises engage the deep core muscles and may help strengthen and tone the belly area.
  • Are Any Specific Foods and Dietary Changes That Could Help Reduce Lower Stomach Fat in Females?
    Adopting a nutrient-rich diet reducing processed foods and sugar could contribute to weight loss and potentially reduce stomach fat.
  • Can Lack of Sleep and Stress Contribute to the Accumulation of Lower Stomach Fat in Females?
    Stress and lack of sleep may disrupt hormonal balance and increase cortisol levels. This may lead to increased appetite, cravings for unhealthy foods, and fat gain in the abdominal area.
  • Are There Any Medical Conditions or Hormonal Imbalances That Can Cause an Increase in Lower Stomach Fat in Females?
    Yes, women with medical conditions like PCOS, diabetes, metabolic disorders, or hormonal imbalances might have an increased risk of fat deposition in the lower abdomen.
  • How Long Does It Generally Take to See Noticeable Results in Reducing Lower Stomach Fat Through Exercise and Diet Changes?
    The time it takes to observe noticeable belly fat reduction outcomes may vary depending on specific factors like genetics, current body composition, and adherence to the program. It may take four months or longer to obtain significant results.


Belly fat in women can be a frustrating issue. Identifying the causes that may lead to belly fat deposition is essential when trying to eliminate it.

However, there are no quick fixes or shortcuts to losing belly fat. It requires patience and commitment to a calorie-controlled diet, tailored exercise routine, healthy lifestyle changes, and regular physical activity.

With the right mindset and approach, you may achieve a toned stomach. Don’t hesitate to consult a registered dietitian, doctor, or other resources to seek guidance and direction.

  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this article.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before trying any tips or strategies.

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