Published On By Rachel Nall

Promescent Review

Promescent could enhance sexual performance and address premature ejaculation. It aims to prolong performance and improve sexual experience.

Premature ejaculation (PE) causes orgasm before or less than a minute into the intimate encounter, causing emotional or relationship distress.

Promescent Delay Spray promises to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation, allowing you to have longer-lasting and more satisfying intimate moments.

Does Promescent Delay Spray work for desensitizing your penis and increasing your intimate time? Read this Promescent Delay Spray review to discover interesting facts, potential drawbacks, benefits, and more.

What is Promescent Delay Spray?

According to the makers, Promescent Delay Spray is a topical desensitizing spray that could temporarily decrease penis sensitivity and delay ejaculation.

The creators also mention that men could use Promescent Delay Spray to delay their sexual intercourse or other types of sexual activity.

Promescent contains lidocaine anesthetic that could delay ejaculation by numbing the nerve endings on the penis. It may reduce sensitivity and prolong the sexual experience.

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How Does Promescent Delay Spray Work?

According to the official website, Promescent Delay Spray functions by temporarily reducing sensitivity in the penis. This effect may help manage early ejaculation.

The makers also mention that Promescent contains patented Anti-Transfer Technology, which could help maximize absorption into the skin. It may eliminate the risk of numbing your partner.

When applied to the head and underside of the shaft, the lidocaine spray present in the Promescent Delay Spray formulas is absorbed into the skin, restricting the stimulation of nerve cells and slowing down their signaling rate.

It is designed to provide longer-lasting and more satisfying intimate moments. The effects of the spray typically last up to an hour, allowing for extended periods of pleasure and increased endurance.

Promescent Delay Spray Ingredients

  • Lidocaine

    Lidocaine is a local anesthetic agent that may act by reducing sensitivity and prolonging the sexual experience. It achieves this by numbing the nerve endings on the penis, allowing for increased endurance and improved stamina. Using lidocaine before sex could help improve early ejaculation or premature ejaculation.

Promescent Delay Spray Benefits

Key Features Benefits
Increases sexual drive Enhances overall sexual experience
Delays ejaculation Allows for longer-lasting intimate moments
Reduces sensitivity Helps boost confidence and improve sexual performance
Prolongs performance Increases endurance and pleasure for both partners
  1. Long-lasting Intimate Moments

    Promescent Delay Spray could enhance your personal time with your partner. It may help you control your ejaculation during sex and may make you have a satisfying sexual experience. This boosts your confidence and your relationship with your partner.

  2. Delay Ejaculation

    With its ability to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation, Promescent Delay Spray could help extend your sexual performance and enhance your pleasure. It may help you maintain control and delay ejaculation. It may preserve sensation while still offering the desired delay in ejaculation.

Side Effects of Promescent Delay Spray

Promescent Delay Spray is generally safe to use for premature ejaculation, but there are potential side effects that users should be aware of.

  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Irritation

Some people may experience rashes, itching, or irritation after applying the spray. These side effects can be uncomfortable and may require discontinuation of use. It is essential to consult a doctor if these symptoms persist or worsen.

While Promescent Delay Spray has been proven effective in delaying ejaculation, it is essential to monitor any adverse reactions.

Some users have reported the numbing effects of lidocaine products to be too strong, which can affect sexual sensation and pleasure.

Studies have suggested lidocaine-based sprays may have a toxic effect on sperm. Partners who are trying to conceive should consider this potential side effect.

Promescent Delay Spray Usage

To properly use Promescent Delay Spray, follow the directions provided by the manufacturer. According to the instructions, you should spray 3 to 10 sprays on the underside of the head and shaft of the penis or the areas that are most sensitive to you.

Then, rub it in until it is dry, and wait 5-10 minutes before engaging in sexual activity with your partner. After intercourse, it is recommended to wash off the Promescent Delay Spray.

Promescent Delay Spray Usage
Spray 3 to 10 sprays on the underside of the head and shaft of your penis.
Rub it in until it is dry.
Wait 5-10 minutes before engaging in sexual activity.
Wash off the product after intercourse.

Promescent Delay Spray Consumption Results

The consumption of Promescent Delay Spray has been shown to yield mixed results in enhancing sexual experiences.

Some Promescent Delay Spray users have reported increased confidence, longer-lasting intimate moments, and improved sexual performance.

Other Promescent Delay Spray users didn’t notice any change in their early ejaculation issues.

The Promescent Delay Spray did not effectively help in reducing sensitivity and delaying ejaculation. They also felt some irritation on their skin, which made them wash it off instantaneously.

A Promescent Delay Spray user shared that its application before having sex helped him preserve sensation while prolonging performance and stamina. This enabled him to increase endurance and satisfy his partner.

Promescent Delay Spray Pricing

The official website shows different pricing options for Promescent Delay Spray. A pack of 20 Promescent Delay Spray is available for $22.95. You can also select 60 sprays of Promescent Delay Spray for $59.95.

Promescent Delay Spray Refund Policy

The official website of Promescent Delay Spray offers a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. If unsatisfied with your purchase, you can safely return the product by contacting the Promescent Delay Spray customer support team.

Where To Buy Promescent Delay Spray?

To purchase Promescent Delay Spray, individuals can visit the official website. The official website also ensures that you are buying genuine Promescent Delay Spray. Beware of other online sellers or retail stores who offer the product, as there is a risk of receiving counterfeit or faulty products.

How Long Does Promescent Delay Spray Take To Show Results?

Promescent Delay Spray typically takes 10-15 minutes to show results. The spray’s desensitizing effects generally last about an hour after application. However, it is essential to note that the results may vary depending on the individual’s penis sensitivity levels and the amount of product used.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are There Any Side Effects of Using Promescent Delay Spray?
    Promescent Delay Spray may cause delayed onset of action, potential toxicity to sperm, and possible side effects such as rashes, itching, and irritation. It is essential to consider these factors before using the product.
  2. Can Promescent Delay Spray Be Used With Condoms?
    Yes, Promescent delay spray can be used with condoms. It is compatible with latex and polyurethane condoms. This allows you to practice safe sex while experiencing the benefits of the spray in prolonging performance and enhancing sexual experience.
  3. Is Promescent Delay Spray FDA-approved?
    Yes, Promescent Delay Spray is an FDA-compliant over-the-counter spray with lidocaine as its active component.


Promescent Delay Spray may help enhance sexual experiences and address common concerns like PE premature ejaculation. It could help in desensitizing penis nerves.

However, there needs to be more thorough research and analysis. The manufacturer must provide more details and clinical studies backing Promescent Dealy Spray’s effectiveness.

The consumption results showed that Promescent Delay Spray helped treat PE symptoms only in a small fraction of people.

Other ways that could be effective in treating Premature Ejaculation could be edging sexual technique, relaxation, and deep breathing. You can also try pelvic floor exercises and kegel exercises that could boost ejaculation latency times.

However, if these methods do not work for you and you continue to experience early ejaculations, it is better to talk to your doctor to know the underlying cause of your PE problem.

  • The information in this Promescent Delay Spray review is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this review.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before using Promescent Delay Spray.

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